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Staff Time Off Request Form

It can be hard to keep track of your staff's requests for vacation or time off work. Use this time off request form for your staff to ask for their desired time away from work and keep track of it all in one place!

Staff Time Off Request Form

Use this time off request form for your staff to ask for their desired time away from work!

Staff Time Off Request Form

It can be hard to keep track of your staff's requests for vacation or time off work. They can come to you in all different forms, whether verbally or through text or email. It is impossible to remember and keep track of it all in your head. Use this time off request form for your staff to ask for their desired time away from work and keep track of it all in one place!

Whenever an educator is looking to request time off, print out a copy of this form and have them fill it out and submit it to a dedicated space in the staff room or director's office. This way you never have to worry about remembering these requests in your head or from multiple different email or text threads.

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